Sounds in a Cave/ and Marsden Foam Party.
Sounds in a Cave/ and Marsden Foam Party.
I cause a dear friend great anxiety by heading off to Marsden beach in a force 5 gale.
The whole beach was a drift with Foam. ( spume) The sea was crashing hard onto the shore, the wind was high .
and to add to the drama the Marsden Grotto had provided a set of lights to create a stage for me.
Suite case unpacked and head phones on I had in my head a method I wanted to try.

In retrospect I think wasn't the right approach.
To create a straight set of loops
4 long loops that build directly on each other.
I wanted to hear the space in the mic. The Wind the waves, but it turns out the SM58 with a tiny wind sock is pretty excellent and blocking noise.
I also in the drama of the weather the cold and the waves I didn't pay proper attention to my gain..
Have some supreme distortion.. Which in the making I loved, but not to be imposed on someone else's sound system I think.
I think i was attracted by the noise the weight of the sea and the sound ,
your immersed by the waves,
the sound the wind.
I think enveloped.
Somehow I needed to make a sound that sat within that .
You can't compete with the sea though, and when I listen to the sound it still sounds constrained trying to balance the tech with the weather...
Not loud enough,
not open. not wild/ I cant be wild / you cant be wild.
and in the recording, not enough of the weather, its distant pall . Not present and encompassing .
The event , the improv all felt so alive and visceral
Pall Pawl Pall Pawl .... the recording Palls...

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